Contrary to report, Albion schools are open today

Staff Reports Posted 18 November 2014 at 12:00 am

ALBION – Albion Central School is open today, the district told students and parents in message this morning. The district was listed as closed by The Daily News in Batavia. The Daily News said it is working to correct that error on its Website.

Genesee County was hit hard by snow overnight and eight school districts plus Notre Dame in Batavia are closed in Genesee County.

The big storm, which barely touched Orleans County, also prompted the state to close the following roads:

NYS Thruway (I-90) from Exit 46 in Rochester to Exit 59 in Dunkirk;
I-290 from Exit 6 (Sheridan Drive) to the Thruway (I-90);
I-190 Niagara Thruway from exit 1 (South Ogden Street, near Thruway mainline exit 53) to exit 16 (I-290, neat South Grand Island Bridge);
Route 5 (the Skyway) between I-190 Niagara Thruway and Tifft Street in the city of Buffalo;
Route 219 between the Thruway and Route 39 in the town of Concord;
Route 400 between the Thruway in West Seneca and Route 16 in the town of Aurora.