Contractors bring insights to building trades classes at O/N BOCES
Provided photo: Brian Marek, a contractor from Northtowns Remodeling Corp., speaks with students in the building trades program at the Orleans/Niagara BOCES.
Press Release, Orleans/Niagara BOCES
MEDINA – The Orleans Career and Technical Education Center students heard from architect Paul Lang from Carmina Wood Design who have worked on numerous buildings such as factory conversions to newly built structures for a variety of public, private and institutional clients.
His company has worked on some of our region’s most challenging historic preservation endeavors, with over 30 executed National Registry listed sites to their credit. He has studied and taught in Rome and Panama.
“Paul specializes in taking old buildings and creating new multiuse spaces,” Mr. Anastasi said. “He specializes in old factories and making them new green/sustainable products. He talked about the techniques they use to make them perform similar to a brand-new building, but still maintain the building’s character and façade. They use similar equipment and practices that my students use and are learning about as we apply these similarly to our projects in our classroom.”
Residential contractor Brian Marek, from Northtowns Remodeling Corp, talked to not only Mr. Anastasi’s class, but to Electricity/Electronics students in Bill Leggett’s class and Computer Technology students in Paul Herrmann class as well.
Mr. Marek works locally and specializes in kitchens and baths. He has over 30 years in the business of building and remodeling and home improvements. Their specialty is remodeling outdated homes.
Mr. Marek talked to the students about how he started out in a career and technical education class similar to theirs and how he started his business. He talked about being your own boss and different projects he worked on throughout his career. His son Robert Bass, a Silicon Valley software engineer, joined his father and discussed how he uses computer technology and social media to market their company.
“I am so appreciative of Mr. Lang and Mr. Marek taking time out of their busy schedules and talking to our students,” Mr. Anastasi said. “The students get a lot out of interacting with professionals in different fields and for some it inspires them to go down a certain path with their careers.”