Conservatives not endorsing anyone for NY-27; Jacobs picks up Independence Party backing

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 30 January 2020 at 8:16 am

The Conservative Party isn’t endorsing a candidate in the upcoming special election in the 27th Congressional District.

Chris Jacobs

The Republican Party has backed State Sen. Chris Jacobs of Buffalo while the Democratic Party has nominated Nate McMurray in the election. McMurray also has the backing of the Working Families Party.

Paul Lauricella, chairman of the Orleans County Conservative Party, said the Orleans County Conservative Party wants to carry petitions and support Beth Parlato in a June 23 primary.

However, he urges the local Conservatives to vote for Jacobs in the special election, which will likely be on April 28.

“Yes, registered Conservatives can vote in this special election,” Lauricella said. “It is imperative that the seat does not fall to the radical socialist Democratic Party candidate Nate McMurray. Like our Governor Cuomo he does not represent the values of the 27th District.”

Jacobs’ campaign announced this morning he has the endorsement of the Independence Party.

“The Independence Party is proud to stand with Chris Jacobs, a proven reformer with a track record of protecting taxpayers and making government work,” said Frank MacKay, chairman of the Independence Party of New York. “As County Clerk, Chris created efficiencies without increasing the size or cost of government while eliminating backlogs, ending patronage hires and creating the largest discount program for veterans in the state.”

Before he was a state senator, Jacobs was the Erie County clerk, the first Republican in that position in 40 years.

“Washington is broken and too many Americans are suffering because the government has grown too cumbersome, too inefficient and not nearly responsive enough to taxpayers,” Jacobs said. “In Congress, I’ll be a fighter for Western New York and I’ll work tirelessly to hold the federal government accountable to all hardworking Americans.”

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