Conservative Party chairman states support for candidates in town races
The Town of Gaines Republican Committee with Joe Grube as chairman without a platform of substance has self-endorsed to run against Carol Culhane, the current Gaines Town Supervisor. He has managed to make it to one Town Board meeting this year, and several in previous years. Carol has a record of accomplishments noted by prior letters in the newspapers, and postings on the Orleans Hub by people that do take the time and have the interest to attend the board meetings.
Tyler Allport a political newcomer with a Republican endorsement having attended very few if any Gaines Town Board meetings, also without a platform of record, is running for a position on the Town Board. Susan Smith, Town Board member with a record of serving her constituents with honest dedication, is also running for town board.
Susan Heard “self endorsed” Republican candidate is the retiring Orleans County Treasurer who is quietly running for Gaines Town Clerk against Debra Mitchell to possibly try her hand at “Double-Dipping.” She has labeled Carol Culhane as a bully. Ms. Heard along with her ilk ought to look in the mirror. People who are honest with themselves and want good fair government in Gaines, will vote for Carol, Susan and Debra. Proud to know all 3!
The Town of Murray with its adolescent goon squad is placing graffiti on some of Joe Sidonio`s campaign signs. The GOP Committee led by Ron Vendetti has managed to find a person who is politically unknown but apparently will do, for their endorsed candidate to run against Joe Sidonio for Murray Town Supervisor. Robert Miller could be the ” Rubber Stamp-Double Dipper” that the Murray Rinos are looking for. Mr. Miller’s Town Board meeting attendance has been scarce, and his platform is nil.
Joe Sidonio who has been working very hard the past 2+ years to post the short comings and problems within the Town of Murrays` government out in the open and in a way that the people can understand. Vote for Joe Sidonio for Supervisor of the Town of Murray. He has demonstrated his ability, his knowledge, dedication, and commitment, with a solid fiscal platform having attended all town board meetings. Mike Whalen a conservative minded Republican is running for a seat on the Murray Town Board. He would be a good change on the board. Joe and Mike will give Murray’s people good honest government and deserves your whole-hearted support and vote. I have known Joe for a number of years but have recently got to know Mike. Proud to support the both of them!
The so-called Republican Committees in some towns have a way of making a person feel unwelcome and intruding on their time during the endorsement application process, and the interview itself. They already have a candidate lined up beforehand.
Robin Nacca, a successful business woman with businesses in Erie County and elsewhere and makes her home in the Town of Barre, is a candidate for Town Supervisor running on a platform of open and fiscally responsible government. Robin carries the Conservative endorsement and deserves your vote in the Republican Primary. She is her own person, and not a former government employee potential “Double-Dipper.” Robin is hard working, honest, and forthright with qualifications to serve her constituents well. Having known her and her husband Alex for a number of years, I support her proudly. Vote for Robin Nacca.
Richard DeCarlo Jr. Barre Town Justice is seeking the same position in the upcoming elections. Good man. Vote for Richard DeCarlo Jr.
In Kendall there is a race for the Town Clerk position. It is said that a technical glitch took place at the Orleans County Board of Elections that gave Amy Richardson, the current Town Clerk, the unearned Republican line on the ballot. This information reported by Republican Chairman John Becker of the Kendall GOP Committee. Becker also stated that Amy did not approach the committee seeking support or an endorsement. Amy has a mind of her own and supports the people she feels are the best for whatever position. The committee has a problem with that and Amy knew she wouldn’t get their support. By not asking for their support, it allowed the committee to endorse a person more to their liking without having to feel guilty.
I would think that the Endorsed Candidate must feel used by the Kendall Republican Committee with their inability or wherewithal to get her name placed on the Republican line. It worked out OK in my eyes, but I would think as a whole, the people that make up the committee should feel pretty small. Chairman Becker knows all about glitches during his political career and one in particular that cost the tax payers a large sum. I have known Amy and her husband Jim for years and fully support Amy. Vote for Amy Richardson Kendall Town Clerk.
In the Town of Yates, the Republican Committee in trying to throw a road block in front of Paul Lauricella Jr, who will be running for a seat on the Yates Town Board. The Committee found it necessary to endorse Harold Suhr, a Democrat, to run on the Republican line. Paul, who is a registered Conservative, is fiscally and smaller government minded, and will work hard to control spending in the Town of Yates. I have known Paul and his family for about 7 years, and I fully support him. Vote for Paul Lauricella Jr. Yates Town Board. Jim Simon is the endorsed Conservative Candidate for Supervisor Town of Yates. Vote for Jim Simon.
Please vote for all the Conservative-endorsed candidates and hopefully this might begin to change the political landscape in Orleans County, which suffers from being the highest taxed, and close to the highest unemployment rate, and the lowest per capita disposable income in New York State.
Note: The Conservative Ad in the Lake Country Pennysaver was paid for by the Orleans Co. Conservative Committee, and not by myself.
Allen Lofthouse
Chairman of Orleans County Conservative Party