Congressman hears about challenges faced by newly merged Arc GLOW

Posted 19 October 2021 at 12:32 pm

More government funding needed to support people with disabilities, and to better pay Direct Support Professionals

Photos courtesy of Arc GLOW: Kathy welcomes Congressman Chris Jacobs to the Arc Day Habilitation Center in Elba.

Press Release, Arc GLOW

ELBA – Congressman Chris Jacobs met with Arc GLOW leadership on Monday and toured the agency’s Day Habilitation Center on Barrville Road in Elba.

During the tour he had a chance to meet individuals with disabilities who attend program there and greet some of the staff.

Following the tour, Jacobs spent over an hour with Arc GLOW leadership including Chief Executive Officer Martin Miskell, Board President Cheryl Englert and Board Vice President Debrah Fischer.

Miskell shared news of the recent merger of Arc of Genesee Orleans and The Arc Livingston-Wyoming, resulting in Arc GLOW, geographically the largest chapter of The Arc New York. The disability provider’s four-county service area now covers roughly 2,400 square miles and serves nearly 2,000 children and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their families and employs 1,000 staff members.

Alicia, Kathy and Day Hab Specialist Kristen Ace meet with Congressman Chris Jacobs. Alica and Kathy presented him with puzzle art.

The group discussed advocacy priorities including the Better Care Better Jobs Act. This bill includes an investment in the disability service system as part of a Covid-19 economic recovery to support care for Medicaid recipients, and create more and better jobs for the workforce that provides that care.

Team members discussed the staffing shortage Arc GLOW and its sister chapters throughout the state are experiencing, and the need to secure adequate government funding to pay Direct Support Professionals a wage commensurate with their ability, experience and performance.

The importance of employment opportunities for individuals wanting a job in the community was also brought to the table, as October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Congressman Jacobs said he was honored to tour the Arc GLOW facility in Elba to see firsthand the critical services provides to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our rural communities.

“Organizations like Arc are crucial to providing essential support and educational services, as well as providing members of our I/DD community with meaningful employment opportunities. The leadership is incredibly passionate and doing a wonderful job, and I look forward to continuing our strong partnership to improve access to these services,” Jacobs said.

Board President Cheryl Englert, Congressman Chris Jacobs, CEO Martin Miskell and Board Vice President Debrah Fischer are pictured at the Day Habilitation Center.