Colorado family seeks help in finding dog they accidentally left in Albion
Provided photo: Lambchop is a people lover, his owner says.
ALBION – A family from Colorado is on a road trip and stopped in Albion at Bullard Park on Wednesday. They were in Rochester when they realized they had left their 12-pound miniature poodle back in Albion.
The family would greatly appreciate any help in being reunited with their dog, Lambchop.
Jake Mutz, his wife and their five children have been travelling by RV from Boulder, Colo. Mr. Mutz is a real estate investor and was checking on a property in Albion yesterday after the family visited Niagara Falls.
Lambchop usually stays close to him. He assumed the dog had followed him into the RV after they stopped at Bullard on Route 31.
The family came back to Albion, and checked the local animal shelters and called nine veterinarians. They have put flyers around town and knocked on neighbors’ doors by Bullard Park.
The dog has Mutz’s phone number – (303) 845-0850 – on its collar. Mutz welcomes any phone calls leading to the dog’s return. The family will pay a reward.
“She is such a people dog,” he said. “If she sees someone, she’ll jump right in their lap.”