Clergy miss mark with portraying drag queen show as moral threat

Posted 16 September 2023 at 7:49 am


In response to the letter to the editor entitled, “Clergy members ask the organizer to cancel drag queen performance Oct. 1 in Albion.”

I am shocked at the level of absurdity in the notion that drag queens represent a moral threat to society or that their goal is to take over children’s story hours. That is as laughable as it is reprehensible.

As far back as 1975, when the “Rocky Horror Picture Show” was mainstream for well over a decade, drag queens have been accepted for what they are: talented performers.

Regarding the “drag queen story hours,” I am willing to wager that if we added up the hours that the undersigned anti-drag religious folk have devoted to local libraries for children’s story hours, it has either been minuscule or non-existent and that the majority of signees has never hosted a children’s book reading at a library. Thus, their concern that drag queens will take them over seems disingenuous.

Whatever the case, the best solution would not be to call for the event’s cancellation; and it would be for them to attend it. That would provide an opportunity for outreach, as opposed to condemnation – which seems like a Christian concept.

It is one thing to urge people not to attend an event, but an attack on a private, locally-owned business should be unacceptable, even if it is click-worthy on social media.

Thom Jennings
