Clear winner in Kendall Elementary election: Students pick swirl slide
KENDALL – There was a big election at the Kendall Elementary School today and an overwhelming winner emerged at the end of the school day.
Students in grades prekindergarten to 6 cast ballots on which slide is better for the school’s new playground: the double slide or a swirl slide.
There were 376 ballots cast, and the swirl was a landslide winner with 303 votes to 73 for the double slide.
This is the second year the school has hosted an election, with students casting ballots in a box and receiving “I Voted” stickers. A year ago they were asked to choose a name for the school’s eagle mascot. “Talon” was the winner.
Here is the ballot for today’s election, with the swirl slide the most popular, by far.
Kevin Watson, the school principal, wants to pick issues of interest to the students and pertinent to their school experience. Kendall will be seeking public approval on Dec. 12 for the capital project mostly at the elementary school. A new playground is among several improvements in the project.
With today’s vote, Watson is hoping the swirl slide can be part of a new playground if the capital project is approved by voters.
He also wants students to feel more comfortable voting on an issue, and making it an ongoing commitment when they are adults.
This elementary class poses after casting their ballots. The school used to be a polling location but school votes are now held at the town hall. The signage for previous elections was in the school basement and was brought out for today’s vote.
There was no mud-slinging in the election. There was a video shown to the students with Kevin Watson, the principal, going down the swirl slide and fourth-grade teacher Justin Staebell going down the fast double slide.
The Kendall school sign thanks students for their participation in today’s election.