Chicken Barbecue tradition continues on Palm Sunday
Photos by Tom Rivers
ALBION – The Knights of Columbus in Albion are serving 500 chicken barbecue lunches today at St. Mary’s Athletic Club on Moore Street.
The top photo shows Tom O’Hearn, Dusty DeCarlo and Mike Fischer. The trio and a bigger cooking crew arrived at 7 a.m. to prepare the chickens.
O’Hearn’s hand and a thermometer appear in the photo of all the chickens.
The chicken barbecues are a Palm Sunday tradition for the Knights, which plans to share proceeds of the event with Boy Scouts and Hospice of Orleans.
Inside St. Mary’s, volunteers prepare the meals with cole slaw, rolls, potatoes and desserts. Jean Smith is in front, followed by Mary Ann Tillman, Michele Grabowski and Joan Adduci.