Chautauqua wind energy developers considered impact on community, migratory birds
The Arkwright-Summit wind project is currently under construction in Chautauqua County. It’s eye opening to see the destruction of wildlife habitat and farmland, and the dust and mud these citizens will have to endure for the coming years until construction is completed.
However, to the credit of the developers there, the Executive Summary submitted as part of their project documents makes an interesting point. One of the sections of that Executive Summary is titled “Alternatives” and deals with reasons for selecting particular wind turbines and that particular location. Quoting from that section, “The Applicant has investigated several alternative locations across Western New York and rejected many locations due to … migratory bird issues … and lack of likely community acceptance.”
It is unfortunate that Apex Clean Energy is not to showing the same concern for wildlife and respect for the will of the people in our area, and abandon their Lighthouse Wind project in Yates and Somerset.
Steve Royce