Charter captains will take vets on ultimate fishing experience

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 9 April 2014 at 12:00 am

Photo by Tom Rivers – The organizers of an Ultimate Fishing Challenge trip for Vietnam War veterans discussed the initiative with the County Legislature today. The group also brought along the trophy from last year when Point Breeze won the Ultimate Fishing Town through the World Fishing Network. The group includes, from left: Eileen Banker, chief of staff for State Assemblyman Steve Hawley; Mike Waterhouse, county sportsfishing coordinator; Gayle Ashbery, Carlton town supervisor; Paul Fulcomer, director of Orleans County Veterans Service Agency; and Sharon Narburgh, owner of Narby’s Superette and Tackle.

ALBION – The Ultimate Fishing Town will be giving Vietnam War veterans the Ultimate Fishing Experience on June 25.

On that day at least 11 charter boat captains will take Vietnam veterans who live in Orleans County out on Lake Ontario for the chance to catch a big Chinook salmon and other fish.

The Point Breeze fishing community and Orleans County Tourism Department are joining for the five-hour fishing trip, which will be free for veterans.

Mike Waterhouse, the county’s sportfishing coordinator, wants to express appreciation for the Vietnam War veterans who were often treated with disrespect when they returned home after their service.

“I can think of no other group of service men and women that were so underappreciated for their service to our country,” Waterhouse told the County Legislature today.

Point Breeze won the Ultimate Fishing Town contest last year in an on-line voting competition through the World Fishing Network. The WFN awarded the community $25,000 to promote the fishery.

Part of the that money will be used to give the charter captains a stipend for their gas and expenses for the fishing trip on June 25. The charter captains have volunteered their time to be part of the event.

Four or five veterans can fit on each charter boat. The trip is open on a first come, first served basis with a deadline set at May 30. Veterans interested should contact Waterhouse by phone at 585-589-3103 or by email at

The local committee that is deciding how to spend the $25,000 prize includes Waterhouse, Sharon Narburgh, Joyce Harris, John Denniston, Mark Lewis and Bill Camann.

Paul Fulcomer form the Veterans Service Agency is assisting with the Ultimate Fishing Challenge. The initiative also includes support from State Assemblyman Steve Hawley’s office, Ken DeRoller from County Legislature and Wayne Hale from the County Planning and Tourism Department.