Catholic Charities now offers services in Orleans for post adoption, post guardianship
ALBION – Catholic Charities Finger Lakes is pleased to announce the availability of a Targeted Permanency Resource Center (TRPC) based in Albion that provides post adoption and post guardianship services for Orleans County.
The program goal is to improve safety, sustain permanency, and promote the wellbeing of the whole family. The program is offered to any post adoptive or post guardian family, and there are no income restrictions. The TRPC is funded through a NYS Office of Children and Family Services grant.
“Parenting is difficult, add to that complexity the dynamics of adoption or guardianship, and there is increased possibility for challenges and an increased need for programs and services that support families,” said Ellen Wayne, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Finger Lakes. “This program helps us work directly with these families to navigate the bumpy roads, and to make sure that the family remains strong as the children grow.”
The TRPC offers: Home case management, assessments, monthly support groups, advocate, referrals, educational support and workshops, individualized support, linkages to services for treatment of trauma, assistance to local resources unique to client needs, parent training, peer support, mentoring, navigation for cross-system needs, counseling and respite care.
If you are interested in this service, please call Catholic Charities at (585) 737-0892 and ask for Emily Sorenson, or email her at
Since 1982 Catholic Charities of the Finger Lakes has served Ontario, Seneca, Yates, and Cayuga counties by providing quality human service programs and by advocating for social justice. The organization work with faith communities, government, elected officials, business leaders, and other human service organizations to meet human needs and effect public policy that addresses the needs of all people.