Candidate should answer more questions about his involvement in D.C. on Jan. 6

Posted 1 November 2023 at 8:05 am


On 22 October 2023, Mr. Fredericks of Albion, in an excellent letter to The Hub, said he was shocked and dismayed to see Steven A. Colon running for Yates Town Councilman. As Mr. Fredericks noted, Mr. Colon, on 12 June 2022 stated in The Hub that “I, Steven A. Colon, declare to the people that I went and was at the Capitol Building on Jan 6, 2021.”  Mr. Colon  went on to state he was at the Capitol protesting voter fraud.

The more I read Mr. Colon’s letter, the more questions I have. He did not say he actually went into the Capitol Building itself, only that he “was at the Capitol.” The Capitol consists of 58 acres of land, on part of which sits the Capitol Building.

Mr. Colon provided no proof he entered the building, displayed no photos of him breeching the ranks of guards, provided no videos of himself in the building, nor furnished any testimony from others proving he was really there.

First, I call on Mr. Colon to provide evidence he was part of the mob that broke into the Capitol on 6 January 2021. As he noted he “was at the Capitol Building,” which could also mean he spent time walking the grounds, chatting with tourists, visiting the Smithsonian Museums and feeding the ducks in the Reflecting Pool.

Second, what was the purpose of the 12 June 2022 letter? Was he seeking forgiveness or simply bragging? Perhaps the ducks know.

Jack Capurso

Albion HS Class of 1960

Ashburn, Va.