Candidate says she has experience to do the job as Ridgeway town clerk

Posted 22 August 2017 at 8:35 am


I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Karen Kaiser and I am running for the office of Town Clerk for the Town of Ridgeway. I hold the endorsement of both the Republican and Conservative Parties.

I have held the position of Deputy Town Clerk for the Town of Ridgeway for the past six years. During my time as Deputy Town Clerk, I have successfully learned the responsibilities of the Town Clerk through hands on training which includes, but is not limited to: D.E.C. System – issuing hunting and fishing licenses; Issuing Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates and Certified Transcripts; Records Management; Prepare Payroll and Vouchers for payment; Preparing and Collecting data for the establishment of Water Districts.

During the past six years I have accomplished many things such as attending NYS Town Clerk’s Conferences, where I participated in continuing education classes. I was instrumental in helping to acquire the credit card system that is now in use. I am the Town of Ridgeway Marriage Officer and I have received my Notary Public commission.

I am confident that I have built a strong foundation to be Ridgeway’s next Town Clerk. I am thankful to Barb Klatt for appointing me and believing in my ability to perform the duties of Deputy Town Clerk.

I respectfully ask for voters’ support on Primary Day, Tuesday September 12th,

I promise to continue serving the town residents with respect, integrity, and honesty.


Karen Kaiser

Deputy Town Clerk

Town of Ridgeway