Candidate for Gaines town supervisor eager to get to work for the town

Posted 3 November 2017 at 9:30 am


As November 7th, Election Day, draws near, I wanted to share a few items with your readers as they make their final decisions on who to support when they exercise their right to vote.

I’ve introduced myself in person, through ads, and in letters to the people of Gaines. I’ve had the chance to talk to, and more importantly listen to, their concerns and how they see how town moving into the future. Listening to people, combined with not being heard by some town officials myself, is what ultimately convinced me to get actively involved in the race for Supervisor. I have openly laughed at some of the vicious personal attacks thrown my way by people who have never met me, or have seen me but never bothered to utter a single word to me. These actions demonstrate the points I’ve made during my campaign.

The truth is that an overwhelming majority of Gaines Republicans agreed with me and my message during the primary in September, and selected me as their candidate. The Gaines Democrats reviewed my credentials and listened to my message. Their town caucus unanimously chose me as their candidate for Supervisor. The leaders of the Independence Party made that choice as well. These endorsements were earned by having a strong background, a clear message, open ears and mind, and hard work. The same level of hard work and determination it took to win the primary and the endorsement of other parties will be used as Gaines Town Supervisor.

My goal is to make Gaines a better place by making our town government extremely open and treating others with respect. Our meetings will be more informative. Detailed information, not just meeting minutes, will be easy to get. We’ll do a better job communicating and use many ways to get that job done. We’ll be fiscally prudent and work toward being as efficient as possible by being more open to sharing services, equipment, and personnel. We’ll be collaborative at all levels of government to help us get great things done.

I have no allegiances to anyone but the residents of Gaines. I won’t stand for anything but honest, open government and civil, respectful debate on topics of importance. Sometimes, running a small town like ours can be challenging as difficulties are presented to us, but we must remember we are all neighbors, and that our town officials work for us, not for themselves or a small group of supporters.

With that, I’d like to ask all your Gaines readers to give me their support when they go to the polls on November 7th. We can make Gaines better, and we will!


Joseph Grube

Candidate – Town of Gaines Supervisor