Calvary Tabernacle in Medina changes name to The Vine
MEDINA – With a new building and a new pastor, Kevin Lawson said it was only fitting the church should have a new name.
The church on Maple Ridge Road, known as Calvary Tabernacle, is now The Vine.
Pastor Kevin Lawson is shown with a sign in his church’s lobby, which indicates the new name, The Vine, was taken from the Book of John, Chapter 15, Verse 5.
“We wanted it to be easier for people to understand and make it more inviting to the public,” said Pastor Lawson. “The name was 35 years old and didn’t resonate with people anymore. We are not changing our belief and our preaching. We are working very hard at being an outward church in the community.”
He explained “The Vine” is talked about in the Book of John, Chapter 15, Verse 5, where it tells about Jesus being the vine and the people the branches.
“If people stay connected to him, we will bear much fruit,” Pastor Lawson explained. “That is a simple explanation of how we can connect people with Him.”
He said the church is working at doing more community outreach. He has met with the school on how they can help some kids and their families.
The church already has a big outreach ministry with their food pantry, which is open from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday and Thursday.
“With the way the economy is and rising prices, we are on course to serve 1,000 families this year,” Pastor Lawson said. “That is a 25% increase.”
The pastor said everything is changing there. The church is growing, and attendance has doubled since opening in the new building in 2021.
“We have things for people of all ages to get involved in,” he said.
Family Night is at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays, with adult Bible study and activities for all kids.
Sunday morning starts with coffee hour at 9:30 a.m., followed by worship at 10:30 a.m.
One of the exciting new things, the pastor explained, is a new website and app which can be downloaded. All social media platforms have been upgraded.
When the congregation voted on the name change, Pastor Lawson said there was 98% approval.
He invites the public to come in person, and also to check out their website.