Butts Road resident worries about coyotes with people on walking trail, playground at recovery center

Posted 8 January 2024 at 9:49 pm


I hope people realize their surroundings when living at the recovery center on Butts Road in Albion, especially with young children.

I have lived on Butts Road since 2018 and since then I have seen numerous coyote sightings going back 3-plus years, either in my side woods between my house and the railroad tracks, on the south side of my house in those woods or even in the back woods.

These coyotes have come out during their normal mating season, to different points of the winter and even during the summer. One sighting I have is a coyote coming out at 10:47 in the morning in August! I also found a deceased deer that was a product of a pack of coyotes.

I have pictures of them coming within 10 feet of my house to within 100 yards of my house. I’m highly concerned about mothers taking their young children on those planned hiking trails, or even the playground, always have to worry would happen if a coyote is hungry. I have contacted the DEC about the sightings and they told me they can’t do anything unless a child is physically harmed.

I have tried to convey this concern as well as putting this recovery center next to a railroad  underpass that for a week last September had two accidents and three near-miss impacts literally within a week, as an example.

Aaron Vosburgh
