Brain tumor survivor to record music in Tennessee

Posted 6 August 2014 at 12:00 am

Becky Wolford wants to share inspirational songs

Photos by Sue Cook – Becky Wolford fills the Albion Free Methodist Church with her voice during practice.

By Sue Cook, staff reporter

ALBION – Nine years ago, Becky Wolford was beginning her recovery from brain surgery that removed a baseball-sized tumor.

Doctors thought she might not sing again. Singing was important for Wolford, who led worship at churches.

She has made a remarkable recovery and is now part of the worship band at the Albion Free Methodist Church. In two weeks, Wolford will be leaving for Tennessee to record an EP, a shorter version of a full album.

Wolford’s EP will be recorded at Dark Horse Studios in Franklin, Tenn., by students of the Dark Horse Institute. The students will complete the recording, mixing and engineering. The school is a part of the Dark Horse Recording label.

“A lot of the big names are at the label, like Taylor Swift,” said Wolford of the prestigious studio.

Becky Wolford has been singing in churches for decades.

“The students will record this for their end grade,” she added. “I’ll receive it at a discounted price and then I can make copies of it.”

A full band will be going with her, along with her husband Todd and daughter Bethany. The instruments will be recorded on separate days from the vocals, which will all be mixed together in the end. The six songs they will record were all written by Wolford.

“I’ve always been a songwriter from childhood on,” said Wolford.

Her husband Todd is a former pastor who now teaches at Lyndonville.

“It’s been a lifelong dream for her, and we’ve been married 32 years, so it’s been my dream for her to do this as well,” he said.

The songs she will record are “A Better Place,” “Covenant of Grace,” “In an Instant,” “Shadow of the Cross,” “Hand of the Savior” and “Dance.

“Five of them were written after my surgery,” Wolford said. “Some of them are about going through tough times.”

The songs also suggest there is always room to grow and that there is always hope in faith.

“Some of these songs, I was really little when she wrote,” her daughter said. “I’ve always liked hearing her songs.”

Wolford and the band practice at the head of the church for a performance that evening. Also in the band are Cindy Bovier (piano), Matt Ash (electric guitar), Jim Drew (guitar), Mike Stamp (drums), Tom Smith (bass) and Andy Peters (acoustic guitar).

“I’m really excited that I get to go with her and experience it and everything. I’m going to be hanging out with her in the studio so I can get the whole feel of it. I’m super excited for her. She deserves this,” Bethany added.

Wolford is using Kickstarter as funding for the trip. The funds raised will cover studio time, meals for all the musicians and any added travel expenses. A person can choose to pledge a certain amount of money on the campaign in order to receive rewards, including singles or a CD. If the full amount is not reached by the deadline, no money is taken. If the full amount is reached or exceeded, the pledges are taken and Wolford will deliver the rewards as they become available.

To see her Kickstarter campaign, click here.

Wolford also suggested another way that the community can support her, saying, “Pray for me.”