Big wind turbines are a good fit on abandoned land, not lush Orleans County landscape
Sorry, Kim Kennedy, climate change is not a “hoax”. The data is in, and it doesn’t look encouraging for our progeny. “Wind” is only a “farce” when improperly sited in an area (specifically, Lakeside Park) Nature Conservancy researchers described a few years ago as “dripping with warblers”. The significance of that observation may only be apparent to a few outside the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
On an abandoned oil field “moonscape” in Texas, a wind “farm” may be a perfect fit.
It is difficult, at least for me, to conceive of a scenario where “solar” isn’t a plus for planet earth and all of its living things.
You may be right on target with some of your observations, but please get over the idea that wind farms can be reduced to some liberal/conservative dichotomy. Is an appreciation for wildlife part of a liberal/conservative divide? Am I a conservative because I support D.U. and The National Wild Turkey Federation?
Many people have me pegged as a liberal whack job (although I am, among other things, fiscally conservative and see our current economic policy as all about short-term gain and . . . ), and I have unequivocally stated on numerous occasions that wind turbines do not belong in Orleans County, period. Few people pay attention, but what else is new?
You may have a few things goofed up in my opinion, but you are still on the right side of this issue.
Sincerely yours,
Gary Kent