Big goal for Kendall officials in 2022: new sewer project and water district
KENDALL – Town officials who are starting new terms take the oath of office on Tuesday.
Town Supervisor Tony Cammarata is starting his ninth year as town supervisor after being elected to a fifth two-year term.
The town has completed four water districts since Cammarata became supervisor. He is pushing for another district. The boundaries or roads haven’t been determined yet.
The town will work with LaBella Associates to identify possible roads for the district. Cammarata said the roads don’t need to be adjacent or connect to others in the water district.
The engineering firm will be tasked to look at all areas of the town without public water and put together a water district proposal “that gives us the biggest bang for our buck,” Cammarata said today.
The water district will be subject to a public hearing and residents will have opportunities to provide feedback on the project.
Paul Jennings, a new member of the Town Board, takes the oath. He replaces Bruce Newell, who remains a Kendall town official serving as chairman of Planning Board.
The biggest public works project for Kendall will be a new sewer system to serve about 125 residences along the lakeshore.
The state committed to paying 95 percent of a $9,053,000 project as part of the Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative. However, the project now could top $14 million and the state hasn’t been willing to pay 95 percent of the cost beyond the $9 million.
The cost is up due to supply-chain issues and the higher cost of materials, Cammarata said.
He is working with local state legislators and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer’s Office to line up additional grants for the project.
The project would solve the problems for lakeside residences with septic issues west of West Kendall Drive, including along Lomond Shore West, Edrose Shore, Knapp Shore, Thompson Drive, and near Lakeland Beach Road and Bald Eagle Drive in the Town of Kendall, plus residences near Beachwood Park Road in the Town of Hamlin. This project will connect these areas to a sanitary sewer and convey wastewater to a treatment facility.
“This is the single largest project the town has ever put its arms around,” Cammarata said.
Wayne Martin takes the oath for another four-year term on the Town Board.
Town Clerk Amy Richardson is sworn in for another term as town clerk.