Before the parade, Medina vets honor the fallen at local cemeteries, memorials
Photos by Ginny Kropf
MEDINA – Members of the VFW and American Legion in Medina prepare for a three-gun salute at veterans’ graves in Boxwood Cemetery on Monday morning.
The Honor Guard includes members of the American Legion and VFW in Medina. They annually do a ceremony at each of the veterans’ memorials and cemeteries in Medina.
Tony Vicknair, left, and Jim Freas put the firearms away after a ceremony on Memorial Day at Boxwood Cemetery, which included a three-gun salute.
Tinker Young, left, and Jon Little, who served with the U.S. Army, fold the American flag after Memorial Day ceremonies at Boxwood Cemetery. Firing at veterans’ memorials in Medina has been a tradition for decades. The veterans repeated the ceremony at Sacred Heart Cemetery, the Company F Memorial at Medina Armory, the Korean Memorial on Park Avenue, the tank at Oak Orchard Elementary School and the John E. Butts Memorial in Butts Park.
Tom Walders, left, plays Taps in front of the Company F Memorial at Medina Armory. In the background is Mustang Band trumpeter Travis Gotts, who played Echo Taps. Saluting are Dave Kusmierczak, left, and Jim Freas.
Members of the Honor Guard from the American Legion and VFW in Medina annually do a ceremony at each of the veterans’ memorials in Medina. Here the firing squad, including Adam Johnson at right, gets ready for a three-gun salute.
At left, Jim Freas from the Medina VFW and Dave Kusmierczak from the American Legion, salute in front of the Vietnam Memorial at the American Legion, while Taps is played by Tom Walders. Trumpeter Travis Gotts from the Medina Mustang Marching Band, played Echo Taps.