Barre town supervisor should welcome feedback, value opinions of all

Posted 7 November 2023 at 6:38 am


I’m sure many of you who live in the Town of Barre, or its outlying areas, are aware of the ongoing political conflicts stemming from the alternative Wind Turbine Project.

Assuming the people who run for and are in these positions, are supposed to be educated, impartial problem-solvers, then why is it, Mr. Pogue thinks he’s entitled to verbally intimidate, and be outwardly argumentative towards the people he works with?

The body language displayed at the Barre Town Board meetings clearly shows he is not deserving of a leadership role. When a community member comes to a board meeting, to express their concerns about something that is important to them, it should also become important to the town officials.

On several occasions, I have witnessed a member of the community trying to get answers for an ongoing problem, outside of the wind project, only to be given some sort of “tell them what they want to hear response,” from the Town Supervisor.

It is not a matter of whom we like or dislike, but who has good leadership qualities. In closing, I would like to ask that the Town of Barre residents think long and hard before they vote.

Thank you,

Cindy Confer
