Barre Town Board shouldn’t have held important meeting at noon, when many residents couldn’t attend
I am alarmed, but unfortunately not surprised, by the actions of the Barre Town Board, under Supervisor Sean Pogue. Last Wednesday, May 29, at noon the Town Board hosted a workshop to discuss a “Host Community Agreement.” Of interest was the notice of the meeting was posted once in the Batavia Daily by the Town, but was not listed on their website nor found via any other source.
It appears that the Barre Town Board decided to follow in the footsteps of Heritage Wind, LLC and held this “public” meeting at a time that was most inconvenient for the residents to attend and added insult to injury by refusing public comment or involvement.
However, make no mistake, the residents of this community care as there were over 30 people who attended the meeting. Residents took time off from work, hired baby sitters, and made extra effort to attend this meeting in order to be informed on this debatable project. Supervisor Pogue also stated at the start of this “public” meeting that “this is a continuing discussion.” But, having been very involved with this entire process, I can attest that these previous discussions have not been shared with the public, nor have they been open to the public – why the secrecy? This is clearly not acceptable behavior as the Barre Town Board members are public servants and were elected to serve the constituents of the Barre community.
Please note that the Barre Town Board is currently discussing the contents of a Host Community Agreement without knowing the specifics of the project, which have not been revealed, and can continue to change until an application is made (size, location of turbines, MW, etc.).
In January 2019, the Barre Town Board voted to reaffirm the current Town Wind Ordinance. Without regard to the recommendations by the “World Health Organization” to instill stronger setbacks to help reduce negative health impacts caused by infrasound and sleep disturbance, the Town Board took the easy road and seemed to shrug off the recommendation and concern relaying that the “Siting Board of NYS could determine those setbacks” on behalf of the residents of Barre.
There is much concern that if this project should be approved, it would negatively impact a majority of the Barre community as well as those in the surrounding communities. Barre residents care about this issue and want to be involved! Barre Town Board: Why are you discouraging the constituents, that you serve, from participating in this process?
In November, Barre residents have the opportunity to change the current Town Board by electing Gerald Solazzo as Town Supervisor, Kerri Richardson for Town Councilwoman and Cindy Burnside as Town Councilwoman, who will fight to represent all. The Citizens for Change candidates will work hard to hold meetings/workshops at times that are more convenient for the residents of Barre, and will encourage public participation in our local government.
Kerri Richardson