Barre Town Board should have tabled late-night meeting about wind turbine law
About three hours into the Town of Barre board meeting on Feb. 10, the board turned their backs on their fellow board member, Mrs. Kerri Richardson. After requesting tabling the discussion and moving to adjourn the meeting, she was met with heartless indifference. Her personal concerns for focus and her 2-month-old baby at home were brushed aside.
Not only did the board dismiss Mrs. Richardson’s concerns, they discredited their own residents. Desperately trying to participate despite the dwindling hours and crackling phone call, the board forgot we even existed!
“Pushing through” was all that was cared about. Just getting it done to be “done” with it. I am disgusted to live in a community that cares so little of the residents it supposedly represents. We are not much of a community when we stomp out compassion.
Mrs. Kerri Richardson, thank you for representing the residents of Barre and striving to serve this community with integrity and love. This board does not represent us. Your hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
Barbara Verburg