Barre supervisor says town more than one issue as it works on many projects

Posted 31 October 2021 at 8:40 pm


To the Barre residents, my neighbors and my friends, this coming election on November 2nd is a very important vote in our town.

I know that you are very intelligent and realize that this is not a one-agenda election. Please do not believe the misinformation that is being fed to you. Those that have knocked on your doors talk about only the wind turbines and try to tear at your heart. I have had a number of folks call me to see if property values will decrease and that the turbines can be stopped.

Property values generally decrease during construction due to families that do not want to live near them sell their property quickly generally at a cost less than assessed. After the plant goes into operation property values begin to climb.

The turbines at this time cannot be stopped unless the New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) dismisses Heritage’s application. There are those that say we as a town can fight it. Sure, if you wish to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in litigation. How will we get that money? Well by raising our taxes of course. These are the same people that say they will cut taxes. Interesting double talk isn’t it.

Someone else said that the fire district/company gets no money out of this. Once again misinformation, they will receive a yearly payment almost as much as they collect in taxes every year.

There is a constant issue thrown out that another town is receiving $36,000 per turbine. If you do the math the turbines coming here produce 5.6 megawatts of power. Now multiply that by the $9,000 per megawatt that is agreed upon results in $50,400 per turbine. Whether the blades are turning or not, that is what Heritage will be paying.

The resulting money that will come to this town will benefit everyone that pays property taxes in the Town of Barre. How much is up to the town board. I do not see why at least 75% can’t be applied to our taxes. The difference would be applied to improvements to the town. What improvements? When everything is settled, I would like to invite suggestions from everyone in our town through a questionnaire, the town website, a public hearing, emails and phone calls.

There is more to running our town than arguing about wind turbines:

  • Completion of public water in town
  • Improvements to the water system for better fire flow
  • Even though Spectrum has increased the number of homes that now have access to high-speed internet we are not at 100% town wide.
  • Town budget, to develop and work within the constraints
  • Contract negotiations
  • Hemlock Ridge Solar Project.
  • Emergency Medical and Fire Services
  • Hazard Mitigation Plan
  • The use and reporting of the recovery funds (ARPA)
  • Working with the Highway Superintendent to make sure he and his crew have the necessary equipment to keep our town safe in any weather.
  • Working with the Town Clerk to ensure the proper materials are presented to the state and federal governments in a timely fashion.

We have saved this town money thus far with the changing of our streetlights over to LEDs without any cost to the town; we have cut that bill in half.

The refinancing of water districts #2, #3 and #4 by taking advantage of the lower interest rates. The debt service was decreased for those in those districts resulting in smaller payments each year and paying off the debt service early. These examples have resulted in holding the tax line as close to zero as possible.

For continued positive growth in our town I ask you to please vote for me, Sean P. Pogue, as your Town Supervisor for another two years. I also encourage you to bring fresh ideas and youth to the board and write in Steve Harling and Tom Decker in the bottom right-hand corner of your ballot for town councilmen.

As another person wrote, “elections have consequences.” He is right. It’s up to you to decide if you want turmoil and litigation or a conscientious board that will work for everyone.

Please vote on November 2.

Sean Pogue
