Barre sets joint ZBA, Planning Board meeting on new Verizon cell tower
BARRE – The Town of Barre’s Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals will have a joint public hearing at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 13 at the Town Hall to take comments on a proposed cell tower.
Bell Atlantic/Verizon has proposed a 170-foot-high tower with a 4-foot-high lightning rod at 14295 West Barre Rd., on land owned by the Frederick A. Daniels and Adrienne C. Daniels Irrevocable Trust.
Verizon, in its application to the town, acknowledges the company “has service inadequacies in the Town of Barre.”
The hearing on Nov. 13 will be for site plan approval and a special use permit from the Planning Board, and a height variance from ZBA.
Besides the tower, the project includes a 7-foot-tall chain link fence, an equipment shelter and gravel access road.
Verizon also will be able to lease out space on the tower to other companies.