Barre residents urge to fill out survey on comprehensive plan for town
Public meeting set for April 29 at Town Hall
Press Release, Town of Barre
BARRE – The Town of Barre is updating its Comprehensive Plan and wants to hear from residents. The Town’s appointed Comprehensive Plan Committee will hold a public open house on Monday, April 29, at the Barre Town Hall, 14317 West Barre Rd.
Residents, landowners, and others interested in the future of the Town of Barre are invited to drop in any time between 4 and 7 p.m. The Town’s planning consultant will give a brief presentation on the Comprehensive Plan and the Community Survey at 4:15, 5:15 and 6:15 p.m.
The Town of Barre launched a Community Survey to help the Comprehensive Plan Committee better understand residents’ issues and priorities. The survey is available online at
Residents may also call the Town Clerk at (585) 589-5100 to request a paper copy of the survey. Barre residents who complete the survey by April 15 will be eligible for a drawing to win $100.
The Comprehensive Plan will set goals and recommend actions to guide town decisions regarding:
- Land use and zoning
- Neighborhood Preservation and Housing
- Business and Economic Development
- Housing and Residential Quality of Life
- Agriculture & Farmland
- Natural Resources & Environmental Protection
- Utilities
- Transportation
- Government and Community Services
For more information, please contact Comprehensive Plan Committee chair George McKenna at (585) 738-4875 or planning consultant Barbara Johnston at (585) 295-6636.