Barre resident urges support for Pogue, Swan and Mathes

Posted 25 October 2023 at 7:49 am


On November 7th, please be sure to vote for Sean Pogue for Barre Town Supervisor, and Margaret Swan and Kirk Mathes for Councilmen.

They would like to improve life for Barre residents in a number of ways! They want to lower your taxes, provide high speed/low cost internet for as many residents as possible, further develop the Town Park, and encourage new businesses to come in to town. And they will continue to find ways to make improvements and cut costs.

Sean Pogue, current Barre Town Supervisor, has been a strong leader for this town for six years. He’s always seeking to make this community one that residents want to live in now but also will prosper for the years to come.

Sean has accomplished much for this town, including an increase in water districts and electric for the Town Park! The Host Community Agreement that he championed could mean paying reduced town property taxes for 30 years! The opposition candidates may claim that they care about the financial burdens on the community, but no one has come up with more “real” plans to lower taxes than Sean. And make no mistake, he’s the one who will make sure that residents get the maximum benefits.

Margaret Swan, currently a Barre councilman, has served on the board for four years, and among other contributions, has worked on ideas for developing the Town Park and researching the ambulance service projects. She has had involvement with District Court meetings. Margaret also helps out in the community in any way she can, including delivering meals to residents.

Kirk Mathes, running for Barre councilman, has been an active member on the Barre Town Planning Board since 2007 and was a member of the County Planning Board for many years. Kirk has been involved and helping out with almost every  event in Barre, including the Barre Bicentennial Celebration. And according to “Doc” Harling “If he is half as good a councilman as he is a neighbor you’ll never find a better one!”

Sean, Margaret and Kirk want to work for all the Barre residents! With them on the Barre Town Board, there will be real positive progress! They are the best team for the job!

Chris Loss
