Barre politics unfortunately have divided neighbors, but 3 candidates stand out for service

Posted 4 November 2023 at 9:13 pm


One of the things I value most about living in a small town is the sense of “community,” the knowledge that I have neighbors who support and watch out for me and my family, and are always willing to lend a hand with no questions asked and without expecting anything in return.

I have lived in the Town of Barre my entire life, and chose to raise my children there as well because I wanted them to have that same feeling of community and to learn about small town values. Kirk Mathes is one of my closest friends, and I consider Sean Pogue and Margaret Swan good friends as well. It is people like them who make Barre a great place to live.

Several years ago I wrote my first letter to the editor regarding the proposed windmill project in the Town of Barre. My concern with the project at the time was the impact it might have on our rural community’s culture and the potential for neighbors turning against neighbors.   Unfortunately that fear has become reality.

Earlier this week a letter was sent to select Barre residents by Dr. George McKenna in support of Kerri Richardson for town council. Rather than identifying himself as Ms. Richardson’s father, Dr. McKenna began his letter by noting his position as a member of the town council, and proceeded to mischaracterize and attack the  character of fellow council members and a town planning board member.

While this type of campaign strategy would not surprise me at the national level, I’m extremely disappointed that it’s happening in our small town. I have always believed that political candidates should focus on their own positive attributes rather than attacking their opponents and attempting to “scare” their constituents into voting for them.

My parents always taught me to look for the best in people and to value our neighbors and treat them with respect. I learned by example, watching them support and be there for neighbors and community members, no matter what the need.

My father actually helped Dr. McKenna pursue a career in veterinary medicine and hired him after graduation, mentoring and supporting him along the way. After working for my dad for several years, Dr. McKenna used the knowledge he had gained first-hand of how a successful vet practice was run to set up shop right around the corner. While this was very upsetting at the time to myself and a number of my siblings, my father reminded us to “take the high road.”  He never publicly attacked or spoke poorly of Dr. McKenna, reminding us that he was our neighbor.  It’s disheartening that the same respect is not being given to my personal friends and neighbors, Sean, Kirk and Margaret.

While the windmill project certainly deserves careful consideration, it is not the only issue in Barre. If voters want candidates who were involved in the town long before this project came about, and who are willing to focus on ALL issues for the benefit of the majority, the choice to me is clear.  Sean, Kirk and Margaret have dedicated countless hours to this community, carefully considering the issues that have come before them and doing what they felt would best serve the community as a whole.

As far as I’m concerned, the only “agenda” they bring to the table is the desire to see the Town of Barre move forward in a positive direction. They are good people who understand the importance of “community” and don’t let personal feelings interfere with their decisions on behalf of the town.

There is nothing wrong with having a difference of opinion. Some of my best friends and neighbors have wildly different views on life, but we respect each other’s rights to have these opinions and don’t let them interfere with how we feel about one another.

When we start to attack our neighbors for not thinking the same way, our community breaks down and we are left with an environment that no one wants to be part of, much less live in.  Please don’t support this type of negative campaigning in our small town. We need to appreciate and respect those who live here and recognize that each and every person serves an important purpose and has value, even when their views don’t align with ours.

While Dr. McKenna identified himself as a Barre Town Council member in his letter, please do not take this to mean that he speaks for the Town Council as a whole. The views he expressed on behalf of his daughter were his alone, and should not be construed as a public endorsement of Ms. Richardson by the Town Council.

I would also encourage you to fully exercise your right to vote rather than casting one vote for two open positions as Dr. McKenna recommends. I’m not sure how promotion of this personal agenda and manipulation of the vote is in the best interest of our town.

I also don’t understand how it could be publicly encouraged by someone who identifies himself in the same letter as a council member, who by implication is sworn to serve the Town of Barre in its entirety.

You find what you want to find and you see what you want to see.  As I said before, I choose to see the good in people. I believe Kirk Mathes, Sean Pogue and Margaret Swan are good people.  I appreciate their long-term service and dedication to this community and hope Barre voters will join me in supporting them at Tuesday’s vote.


Steve Harling
