Barre officials face weighty matters in negotiating funds for town with big energy projects

Posted 5 November 2023 at 3:43 pm


There a lot of things being said about the people involved on both sides of the ballet in this town. I think we all have to keep in mind that in a small community it’s hard for good people to sometimes see the where the legal and ethical lines are and not cross them.

We trust them, they trust themselves, but doing things by the book can be an entirely different thing. Whether or not it makes a difference we sometimes only know later if something is missed. And even then, we don’t know if it’s intentionally or simple human oversight.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to read all the agreements that affect the Town of Barre. I did get to see the host agreement and it’s worlds better than the one that was for circulated a couple of years ago.

Nevertheless, I’m concerned about several things including that it implies we’re guaranteeing zoning results and indemnifying the company if we breach the agreement. I don’t know if that extends to the other agreements or not but it appears to. Contracting away ordinary municipal functions over zoning and input into the PILOT but seem to be contrary to public policy but could be the grounds for a lawsuit.

I have been told the host fee is being paid instead of a Town Of Barre portion of the Payment In Lieu of Tax. I have looked but do not find that that is the case yet.

It would be a terrible idea with Barre’s host fee tied to power generation output. If power generation goes down, there would be a possibility that Barre could be stuck with a lot of unfunded costs.

It does not appear that there’s a signed PILOT  yet, but if the power generation goes down, it seems entirely appropriate for what Barre to receive an increase portion of the PILOT. Could vary. Insist on that, I don’t know without possible litigation.

I see that the company may fund a spec building in which the county can later devote to a new business which would be located somewhere in the county. But depending on the profits being projected that does not seem enough. With electric ever more dear, with the weather we are experiencing and with our country’s move away from fossil fuel, it seems there should be a way to provide some businesses with reduced electric rates as is done with the Niagara Power Project.

If I am reading the IDA minutes correctly, they have not rushed into this and are methodically going one step at a time. I do not see how involved they are in the environmental aspects however. I think they’re trusting the state and not hiring their own consultant; I may be wrong.

Perhaps the host agreement had to be nailed down first. Maybe it was a way to lock us into a contract with open questions. We won’t know until push comes to shove, if it ever does. This is such a new area of law there are going to be oversights and many specialties of law should have been involved.

But whatever the case, my conclusion is that Barre has to closely be involved with the IDA to be sure that it’s interests are properly protected.

Barre residents have to vote for whoever they think can do that job the best. It’s going to require hard work and clear eyes. I am not endorsing any candidate but whoever is elected, I think may have address some land mines out there as there’s clearly more to be done.

Conrad F. Cropsey
