Barre needs town officials who will look out for all residents

Posted 4 November 2019 at 6:44 am


In September 2019, over 60 lawsuits were filed in Northern Chautauqua County with the State Supreme Court by residents against a wind turbine company with various complaints (from people suffering from nuisances, health effects or loss of property values because of the placement of the turbines).

Recently, members of the Chautauqua County Board of Health are considering stepping up Health Department regulation of industrial wind turbines saying there seems to be evidence that wind turbines can cause significant health damage and that more study is needed.

The Health Board members discussed a moratorium on construction of industrial wind turbines until there have been further studies on the topic that would provide local officials with more guidance (for instance in setback guidelines). Unfortunately for Chautauqua County, this is being done after the fact, because turbines have already gone up in that area. Let’s not make the same mistake here in the Town of Barre.

It is easy for people to sign leases who don’t live here and it is easy for ones to sign leases that will make thousands of dollars from them. No company trying to sell their product is going to tell you about the negative impacts of their product or no one would buy it. Remember when we were told that smoking cigarettes had no impact on our health, and who would have thought that baby powder could cause cancer?

We need to look at the potential harm that can be caused by these massive turbines, not only for our health, but the realization of harm to our existing properties and the values of our homes. It is only common sense which tells us that if a person can buy a comparable home in an area without turbines that block the beautiful views and that they don’t have to deal with the constant noise, vibrations, a quiet country side lit up like a circus full of lights at night, along with flickering, effects to wildlife and ill health effects, that their choice would be to buy somewhere else.

How is this going to help the future of our town, when no one wants to relocate here or want to continue to stay here? What happens to the values of our properties after these massive, monster turbines are placed around us?

While some in the community are bound to make thousands of dollars, I do not believe for one minute that it will not greatly decrease the values of others. I have discussed these concerns with the board members in the Town of Barre, but feel like I am being met by deaf ears. With the number of persons affiliated with the Town of Barre boards, who have signed leases to place these wind turbines on their properties, how can this not be considered a conflict of interest?

That is why I believe people in the Town of Barre need to vote for change in Barre, and vote for Richardson, Burnside and Solazzo.

Who is going to protect the investment of the average home owners who have invested years of hard work and money into their homes? Who is going to compensate them for the possibility that their home may sell at a loss, or may not even sell at all? Is the town going to lower their assessments which would be a loss of revenue for our area? But most importantly, what does it say about us as a community if we let just one family suffer financial devastation because these massive turbines surround their properties.  Everyone matters!

Apex and Heritage Wind your money means nothing! You have chosen our community, with the promise of the “green” and the almighty green dollar has worked its magic pitting a community of fine people against each other. Years from now our town will realize the mistake of its past by ever allowing these turbines in our area. Apex and Heritage Wind will be long gone, but our future generations will pay for all of its hot air.


Susan Webster
