Barre firefighters bring ‘Santa Express’ to 147 kids
Photos by Tom Rivers
BARRE – Santa Claus was escorted by Barre firefighters around town today on 34 stops, visiting 147 kids. This is the 10th year the Barre Volunteer Fire Company has organized the Santa Express.
In the top photo, Santa and the Barre firefighters stop at Amanda and Joe Nash’s home on Pine Hill Road. Landon Flansburg walks up to greet Santa.
Madelyn Bell of Brockport is pleased to meet Santa. She was among the kids during Santa’s stop at the Nash home. Many family and friends were there.
The fire company welcomes people to drop off gift-wrapped presents at the firehall and those gifts are then delivered by firefighters and Santa. People are encouraged to make a donation to the fire company if they get a visit from Santa and the firefighters.
Santa meets many kids during the stop at the Nash’s.
There were about 24 Barre firefighters on the Santa Express. The split into two different groups, taking Santa by fire truck.
The firefighters say the Santa Express gives them a chance to see families for a good reason, rather than an emergency. It also helps children to meet the firefighters, who act as Santa’s elves while delivering the gifts.
“We love it just as much as they do,” said long-time Barre firefighter Jerry Bentley.
He has enjoyed seeing the kids grow up in the 10 years of the Santa Express.
Luke Flansburg gives Santa a hug, while Luke’s cousin Landon watches.
The kids are excited while holding their gifts that were delivered by Santa and Barre firefighters.