AYSAP youth program offers CPR, defibrillator training

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 31 July 2023 at 11:18 am

Photos by Tom Rivers

ALBION – Chuck Prentice and Nicole Boldt, paramedics with the Le Roy Ambulance Service, led about a dozen parents in training to use CPR and a defibrillator.

The training was at Bullard Park on Wednesday evening. Many of the people learning the skills were parents of Albion youth football players. The training was organized by Albion Youth Sports Athletic Program or AYSAP.

Chuck Prentice, a Gaines resident, led the training. He said chest compressions should be done 30 times and two breaths with about 100 to 120 compressions a minute.

He told the attendees they should first check for a pulse and any signs of the person is breathing. The chest compressions should be done on a hard surface, either the ground or floor, he said.

He urged community members to be trained in CPR and be ready to act. Someone could collapse in a grocery store and need CPR, Prentice said.

A defibrillator or AED is used to restart a heart.