Association of Counties, Health officials back proposed ban on flavored e-cigarettes
Press Release, NYS Association of Counties and the NYS Association of County Health Officials
As conventional cigarette use has declined in New York State, electronic cigarette use has risen, especially among adolescents and young adults. Tobacco companies use flavored e-liquid to lure young people into becoming regular users of their products.
In surveys, youth cite flavoring as one of their biggest draws to electronic cigarettes, and a majority of young people who have tried e-cigarettes first used a flavored product.
Vaping poses serious yet avoidable health risks for youth. Companies that produce vaping products take advantage of that fact that youth are attracted to the marketable technology and flavorings seen in these devices.
The rise in life-threatening vaping related illnesses, particularly among young people, highlights the need for swift action. We appreciate the Governor’s leadership in addressing this serious public health threat, particularly the inclusion of menthol flavoring in his proposed ban. The tobacco industry has traditionally marketed menthol products in communities of color and to women, and we believe it is important to include all flavorings in any ban.
We commend Governor Cuomo for proposing to ban flavored nicotine vaping products and vaping ads aimed at young people. This proposal will help to prevent tobacco companies from using flavored e-liquid to lure young people into becoming regular users of tobacco products. Counties are proud to partner with New York State in its efforts to the end the growing epidemic of youth vaping.
This news release was sent by NYSAC President John F. Marren, Chairman of Ontario County; NYSAC Executive Director Stephen J. Acquario; NYSACHO President Daniel J. Stapleton, the Public Health Director in Niagara County; and NYSACHO Executive Director Sarah Ravenhall.