Assemblyman sees some positives in difficult legislative session in Albany
While it is fair to say that radical left-wing forces used this year’s Legislature in favor of seemingly everyone but the law-abiding middle-class, end of session negotiations yielded a $100 million relief package for Lake Ontario flood victims, an expansion of the State and Municipal Facilities program to aid local governments, such as shoreline communities, and a reinstatement of our Extreme Winter Recovery Funds – used to repave and revamp damaged roads and highways.
We fought diligently to expose the malfeasance behind the agenda of downstate politicians this year who pushed driver’s licenses for illegals, easing of marijuana laws and a slew of protections for criminals and those accused of crimes.
Despite these challenges, I am honored to have led the fight to protect our Gold Star families and ensure spouses and dependents of deceased military heroes receive the benefits they deserve.
I look forward to attending countless community events, meetings and functions this summer and fall – talking and listening to constituents and building a better understanding of their needs and desires to start 2020 off better than ever.
Assemblyman Steve Hawley
Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, most of Orleans and part of Monroe County.