Artist making progress on Santa School mural in Albion
Photos by Tom Rivers
ALBION – The new mural celebrating Albion as home of the original Santa School is progressing on the north wall of the Lake Country Pennysaver building at 170 North Main St.
Justin Suarez of Rochester last week started work on the project, which has been coordinated by Natasha Wasuck, owner of Tinsel and the Lockstone. She solicited donations in the community for the project and reached out to Suarez through Instagram.
Justin Suarez uses spray paint as an artist. On Thursday he was painting an open palm of Santa’s hand on the west side of the building. That hand will be a white glove. Suarez will have a reindeer, owl, trees and snowflakes as part of the scene that will greet motorists heading south into Albion near the Erie Canal.
Justin Suarez has an array of spray paint cans ready for the job.
The late Charles Howard opened the first Santa School in the world. It was in Albion from 1937 to 1966. The school continues in his name today and is located in Midland, Mich.