Another $200K round of grants available for Medina façade projects

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 22 December 2014 at 12:00 am

File photo by Tom Rivers – This home at 204 West Center St., Medina, was one of the houses in the village to receive matching funds for improvements through a grant administered by the Orleans County Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber will soon accept applications for a third round of $200,000 grants.

MEDINA – A third round of grants for new coats of paint and other beautification improvements will soon be available to Medina home and business owners.

The Orleans County Chamber of Commerce is administering the program. The funds are provided by an anonymous donor.

This will be the third year for the program, which has provided $200,000 annually for building improvements. About 50 homes and 15 businesses have received money through the project, said Kathy Blackburn, the Chamber executive director.

“It’s having an impact,” she said. “Some of the homes just look fantastic.”

The matching grants provide up to $10,000 per project within the Village of Medina. The applications are expected to soon be available on the Chamber website. Blackburn said there will be an informational meeting in mid January with applications due in February.

The projects are all reviewed by the Chamber’s Façade Grant Review Committee, which is expected to approve the grants in March.

Eligible projects include exterior painting; woodwork and architectural metal repair, cleaning, restoration, painting or replacement; masonry repairs and tuck pointing; window and door repairs or replacement; cornice or parapet projects; awning work; and exterior lighting fixtures.