An Election Day tradition continues in West Barre
Photos by Tom Rivers
WEST BARRE – Church members say it’s an Election Day tradition that goes back at least 50 years. Every November election the church serves turkey dinners and has a church bazaar.
The West Barre United Methodist served up 100 roast beef and wick lunches today and then had 350 turkey dinners ready. In the top photo, church member Lee Preston serves Larry Wolfe, who drove from Waterport with his wife Shirley for the dinner.
“You can’t beat it for the money and the companionship,” Mr. Wolfe said about the $9 dinners. “It’s a homey feeling.”
Church members, including Roger Chandler (shown cooking potatoes), arrived early to prepare the food.
“We all enjoy working together,” said Jean Peglow, the event chairwoman. “We all do a bit of this and a bit of that.”
The church at 5377 Eagle Harbor Rd. was once a polling place for the Town of Barre, but that ended about 15 years ago when the polls were consolidated at the Town Hall.
That shift hasn’t hurt attendance for the annual event, Peglow said.
“They love the turkey dinner,” she said.
The bazaar included many crafts, baked goods and other items. Louise Henderson, an assistant with the Adventurers 4-H Club, sells wreaths, treats in a jar and other gifts made by 4-H’ers for the church bazaar.