American Legion in Genesee, Orleans put on joint testimonial dinner for first time
BATAVIA – The American Legion Department Officers’ Annual Testimonial Dinner was a joint event between Orleans and Genesee counties Tuesday night at Batavia Downs.
This is the first time the two counties have combined their annual dinner, said Cathy Fox of Medina, Orleans County’s Auxiliary President. She cited the reasons of declining memberships and the convenience for state dignitaries, many of whom live in other parts of the state, who didn’t have to attend two events.
American Legion dignitaries who attended the event included New York State Department Commander, Timothy J. Collmer; Department President, Karen St. Hilaire; and Sons of the Legion Detachment Commander Peter DeAngelis Jr.
(Left) Cathy Fox, Orleans County American Legion Auxiliary President, chats with Diman Smith, right, 8th District Detachment Commander, and Daryl Vestreate, Detachment Cive Commander of the 7th and 8th District. (Right) Kathryn Kindle of Middleport, the American Legion’s Department vice commander of the 7th and 8th District, greets Peter Huth, of Medina adjutant at the Genesee and Orleans Counties Department Officers’ Testimonial Dinner Tuesday at Batavia Downs.
The head table was escorted into the banquet room by Wallace Kornow of Genesee County. David Rumsey, master of ceremonies, introduced the head table and distinguished guests. These included Robert Elkins, Genesee County American Legion Chaplain; Nelson Oldfield, 8th District Commander; Kathryn Kindle, Department Vice-Commander 7th and 8th District; Ryan Ditacchio, Genesee County Commander; Timothy J. Collmer, New York State Department Commander; Karen St. Hilaire, Auxiliary Department President; Pattie Galley, 8th District Auxiliary President; Cathy Fox, Orleans County Auxiliary President; Peter DeAngelis Jr., Sons of the Legion Department Detachment Commander; Daryl Vestreate, Detachment Vice-Commander 7th and 8th District; and Diman Smith, 8th District Detachment Commander.
Rumsey and Jim Wells, commander of Medina’s Butts Clark American Legion Post, presented a reading and remembrance in honor of POW/MIAs.
As each guest at the head table introduced the person next to him/her, they shared their pleasure in touring the New York State Veterans Home earlier in the day, and enjoying lunch there.
Photo courtesy of Chip Rayno, American Legion College: Part of the head table is shown during a patriotic song at Batavia Downs on Tuesday. From right to left are Cathy Fox, Orleans County Auxiliary President; Pattie Galley, 8th District Auxiliary President; Karen St. Hilaire, Auxiliary Department President; David Rumsey, master of ceremonies; Timothy J. Collmer, Department Commander; Ryan Ditacchio, Genesee County Commander; Nelson Oldfield, 8th District Commander; Kathryn Kindle, Department Vice-Commander 7th and 8th District; and Robert Elkins, Genesee County American Legion Chaplain.
DeAngelis, who joined the Sons in 1998, has held various officers in the group, chairs four committees and has been director of his post. His wife is an Auxiliary leader, as well. To stress his theme of “working hard” for the Sons, he donned a hard hat.
He also urged squadrons to share what they do with the Legion’s newsletter and website. His projects include supporting youth. He announced the next National Commander will be Bill Clancey from New York.
Karen St. Hilaire of Onondaga County, Auxiliary Department President, was lauded as a staunch supporter of the American Legion. She has served her community as a firefighter, and a retired critical care nurse. She continues to chair many committees. She explained the reason for the lighthouse pin she passed out to everyone.
“I love lighthouses, and my pin sends the message, ‘Light the way,’” she said.
Timothy J. Collmer, Department Commander, accepts a donation from Phil Warne from the Sheret American Legion Post in Albion.
St. Hilaire promotes the Auxiliary’s “Warrior Assistance Program,” which awards up to $1,200 to active or retired military who are facing financial hardship.
She also stressed the importance of membership, saying it is the most important thing in the entire Legion family. Legion posts in Genesee County are at 75.11% of their quota, while Orleans County posts have 95.97%. She said it is important for Legions, Auxiliaries and Sons to work together to recruit new members.
“We recruit new members, but where we fall short is we fail to retain them,” St. Hilaire said.
She also encouraged all groups to submit their reports to their representative so they can take them to Washington. This is how laws get passed to benefit the Legions’ members, she said. She added that 100% of all donations to the Legion remain with programs in New York state.
Karen St. Hilaire, left, Auxiliary Department President, accepts a gift from Orleans County Auxiliary President Cathy Fox.
Nelson Oldfield, 8th District Commander, added his message regarding membership.
“We need to bring our numbers up,” he said. “We are only as strong as our membership.”
The next speaker was Kathryn Kindle of Middleport, Department Vice-Commander 7th and 8th District, who said she is serving her first year in the Genesee and Orleans districts. She next introduced Timothy J. Collmer, Department Commander, who visits each county across the state to share Legion stories. He served 21 years in the Army, and has been dean of the American Legion College of New York. He is a member of Nunda Fire Department and Dansville Moose Lodge.
“It has been a great day in Batavia today,” Collmer said. “The Vet’s home is a wonderful place.”
He urged everyone to support the Legion by logging on to and send a message to Washington every day.
“We have to let people know what the Legion does,” he said.
He added the importance of “buddy checks” on fellow veterans, and spoke of the suicide rate for veterans and the suicide prevention program with the VA.
“This is very important,” he said. “Just to let them know how we care about them.”
He explained the New York Military Assistance Program and encouraged making donations to these programs that benefit veterans.
Genesee County Legislator Gregg Torrey, second from left, representing State Senator George Borrello, presented certificates of appreciation to distinguished American Legion guests, Timothy J. Collmer, Karen St. Hilaire and Peter DeAngelis Jr. Certificates were also presented by Eileen Banker, representing Assemblyman Steve Hawley, and Andrew Dugan, representing State Senator Robert Ortt.
The evening concluded with presentation of gifts by the American Legion, Legion Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion.
The Genesee and Orleans American Legion families consist of – in Batavia – American Legion Commander Ryan Ditacchio, 1st Vice Commander David Rumsey; Finance, Wallace Kornow; and Veterans Service officer, William Joyce; American Legion Auxiliary president, Sharon DeBottis; secretary, Sharon DeBottis; and treasurer Mary Ann Neider.
In Orleans County, officers are Commander, Peter Huth; 1st Vice Commander, Al Pulcino; adjutant, Peter Huth; Finance, Peter Huth; and Veterans’ Service Officer, Nancy Traxler.
Sons of the American Legion Commanders are Squadron 35 in Albion, Peter Hennekey; Squadron 204 in Medina, Chuck Eaton; Squadron 529 in Holley, Salvatore DeLuca; and Squadron 575 in Bergen, John O’Grady.
The evening’s events, which included an Italian buffet, were organized by Cathy Fox and Ryan Ditacchio.