American Legion in Albion gives Toys for Tots, Veterans’ Van Service
Group also gives to Boots on the Group which sends care packages to vets
Photos by Ginny Kropf: Jeff Brien, commander of the Marine Corps League Detachment No. 1271, accepts a check from Roger Ettinger with the Sons of the American Legion for Toys for Tots, while Legion commander Brad Rouse presents a check to Ray Ettinger for Toys for Tots.
ALBION – Christmas came early to several veterans’ groups in Albion on Friday, with the donation of checks from the Sheret American Legion Post 35, Sheret Post Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion.
The first presentation was checks for $500 each from the Post and Auxiliary to the Veterans’ Van Service. Dave Kusmierczak of Medina, president of the Orleans County Joint Veterans’ Council, which runs the van service, accepted the check toward purchase of a new van.
“We have two vans that need replacing, and this donation is much appreciated,” Kusmierczak said.
In presenting the check, Post Commander Brad Rouse said, “The Orleans County Joint Veterans Council has a great service they provide to our veterans throughout Orleans County by providing transportation to and from medical appointments to Buffalo, Rochester and Canandaigua.”
Jeff Brien, commander of the Marine Corps League Detachment No. 1271, accepts a check from Pam Taylor, president of the Sheret Post Auxiliary, for the Marines’ Toys for Tots project. At rear is Post commander Brad Rouse and Auxiliary members Wendy Hinkley, Carolyn Gibson and Shirley Smith, and Ray Madigan, treasurer of the Marine Corps League.
Next was a check for $500 from the Post to the Auxiliary to support their project of sending care packages to veterans serving overseas.
“The American Legion Sheret Post 35 is proud to partner with the Auxiliary in support of their two-year commitment to sending care packages to our troops with Boots on the Ground,” Rouse said. “These troops are still in small numbers in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait.”
This is the second year the Auxiliary has sent care packages to Boots on the Ground, but the first year the Post has assisted them.
“Under my leadership as commander, I am committed to unifying all groups in our post,” Rouse said. “We have become stronger as a group and I commit to continuing to strengthen our relationship and the support one another.”
Members of the Sheret American Legion Post 35 in Albion presented a check for $1,000 on Friday to Dave Kusmierczak, president of the Orleans Veterans Council, toward the purchase of a new van. From left are Shirley Smith, 25-year member of the Sheret American Legion Auxiliary; Brad Rouse, commander of the post; Kusmierczak; Pam Taylor, Auxiliary president; Wendy Hinkley, Auxiliary vice president; and Carolyn Gibson, Auxiliary secretary.
A third donation came from the Auxiliary to the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots.
Auxiliary president Pam Taylor gave a check for $100 to Jeff Brien, commander of the Marine Corps League Detachment No. 1271.
“Upholding the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary, ‘For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth and promote patriotism good citizenship, peace and security,’” Taylor said. “The American Legion Auxiliary is proud to present this check for $100 as a donation for a great cause.”
The final donation was a check for $150, which Rouse presented on behalf of the Post to Ray Madigan, treasurer of the Marine Corps League Detachment, for Toys for Tots. An additional $25 was acknowledged from Joe Gehl of Albion.
The Marines stated the donations will be held and used for Christmas gifts for children of Marines next year.
The Post and Auxiliary said they are constantly trying to raise money through raffles and drawings to support causes such as these in the community. The Auxiliary also holds an annual golf tournament, which although small, Taylor said helps fund their causes.
Brad Rouse, left, commander of the Sheret American Legion Post, presents a check to the Auxiliary to support their Boots on the Ground project for those serving in countries, such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. From the Auxiliary, at left, are president Pam Taylor, vice president Wendy Hinkley, secretary Carolyn Gibson and 25-year member Shirley Smith.