Albion trustee urges residents to be the spark for constructive dialogue and change

Posted 13 November 2023 at 7:54 am


To the Village of Albion residents, it is an honor to serve on your board for the last year and half and I am looking forward to the remaining two and a half left on my term. With that being said I am asking that any of you with comments, questions or concerns to please reach out to us formally as a board so things can be addressed.

We live in a small community and it is easy to fall subject to “things will never change” or “no one cares so why even bring it up.” However, I am telling you that is not the case. Every fire needs a spark, so why not let yourself be that spark?

We need you to bring issues forward in meetings (simply call or email the Village Clerk’s office to be added on the agenda) or send the entire board an email so that we have something formal to work with and can start the necessary communication to address things.

Sidebar conversations and comments on Facebook do nothing but stir up animosity and don’t allow for healthy dialogue to happen which feeds into resentment of each other along with local officials and further restricts change.

Please remember that you voted us in to serve as your voice and to do what’s best for our village. Accountability can only be had when communication is established between the people and their representatives and that is what helps progress happen.

It is our duty to help and provide assistance when and how we can as your representatives, but we need you to come forward with the initial ask. Thank you for your time in reading this and I look forward to seeing you in future meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month (typically) or hearing from you by email. My email address is

Tim McMurray

Village of Albion Trustee