Albion students give 3 local historical markers a fresh coat of paint
Photos courtesy of Albion Central School: Service Learning teacher Tim Archer and student Brynn Dugan put the finishing touches on the First Academy historic marker.
Press Release, Albion Central School
Renzo Tomasi paints the First Church historic marker.
ALBION – Field trips and class visitors may be on hold for the time being, but that hasn’t stopped Albion Middle School’s Service Learning teacher Tim Archer from finding ways for his students to get hands-on experience with local history.
Working with Clarendon Town Historian Melissa Ierlan, Archer brought three historical markers to the school this week.
On Wednesday, two of Archer’s 7th grade Service Learning students, Brynn Dugan and Renzo Tomasi, came to the school to help paint the markers that Ierlan had previously restored and primed.
The three markers are from the Town of Gaines, denoting the history of First Church, First Academy and Union Cemetery.
“These projects help kids learn history and engage in their community in a lasting way,” said Archer, who loves working with people like Ierlan who have a passion for local history.
These are the 23rd, 24th, and 25th signs in the area that Ierlan has restored.
“It’s fun,” said Ierlan when asked why she continues to work with the markers. “And you get to see some pride in town history restored.”
Dugan and Tomasi helped Archer and Ierlan get the base blue layer onto all three signs. Once they’re dry, Ierlan will do the detail work of painting the lettering in yellow, and then the markers will be remounted, bringing a fresh face to local history.
Melissa Ierlan paints the First Church historic marker.
Brynn Dugan works on the Union Cemetery historic marker.