Albion Scouts keep up Pinewood tradition
Photos by Tom Rivers
ALBION – Four of the Pinewood Derby cars zoom down the track on Saturday as 25 Scouts in Pack 164 competed in their annual Pinewood Derby at St. Joseph’s Lyceum.
The cars near the finish line and several Scouts are into the action, including James Michael Beach (left in back), Jacob Foote (back center in blue Scout uniform), Declan McCue and Jonathan Judd (right). Judd was the overall winner. Parents include Brian McCue (left), Jason Foote (in red) and Jeff Baron.
Eric Brown, right, and his son Harrison were starters at the derby. Harrison’s brother Jeffrey was one of the competitors and made it to the finals.
Several parents were stationed near the finish line to help determine the winners.
Scouts who took home trophies and awards include, front row, from left: Aaron Flanagan, best in den for Tigers; Xavier Penafiel, best in den for Wolves; Austin Narbugh, best in den for Bears. Back row: Donavan Braley, second overall winner; Jacob Foote, third place overall; Jonathan Judd, first place overall, Cubmatser Mike Beach (in back); Jeffrey Brown, most original car; and Sawyer Braley, best in den for Webelos.