Albion Police say no credible threat against school, will increase presence on Friday
Press Release, Police chief Roland Nenni
ALBION – The Albion Police Department has learned that there have been numerous social media posts indicating that there is a concern for violence on the Albion Central School campus tomorrow related to the previous threat made against the Albion Middle School.
The Albion Police Department has investigated the allegations contained in these posts and determined that there is no evidence or indications of impending violence.
The Albion Police Department is in constant communication with the School District and the Probation Department, who is tasked with monitoring the defendants who were arrested in November for the previous threat.
Even though we have no credible information supporting a threat, we understand the community’s concern and heightened sense of awareness. Since the incident in November we have had an increased law enforcement presence on the school campus. Tomorrow we will increase the amount of law enforcement to a greater level.
We encourage anyone with direct information regarding threats to contact the Albion Police Department at 585-589-5627.