Albion picked for ‘walkability audit’ to improve pedestrian safety

Staff Reports Posted 8 April 2015 at 12:00 am

Photo by Tom Rivers – A pedestrian walks south on King Street on Tuesday in Albion while a motorist heads north on the street after crossing the railroad tracks. King Street doesn’t have sidewalks.

ALBION – The Village of Albion is hosting one of 10 “walkability audits” happening across the Finger Lakes region. Community members are welcome to be part of the discussion and audit on April 13 to make the village more pedestrian-friendly.

The project is funded by the Genesee Transportation Council through its Unified Planning Work Program. The purpose of the audit is to get local perspectives on the problems and opportunities faced by pedestrians, and develop solutions for improving pedestrian safety, accessibility, convenience and comfort.

The intent of the effort is to help increase foot traffic and encourage alternatives to automobiles as a means of transportation. As a result, the Council hopes to increase the vibrancy and appeal of the Village of Albion as a place to shop, socialize and recreate.

The walkability audit will succeed best if it includes a range of community stakeholders from all perspectives working together to understand the issues and opportunities and make sure the plan is responsive to locally identified needs.

Participants in the “walkability audit” should RSVP with Dale Brooks, Albion DPW superintendent, by calling 585-589-7061.

The tentative schedule for the day includes:

11:30 a.m. – Stakeholders to join at Village of Albion board room, 35-37 East bank St., with lunch to be provided

Noon to 1 p.m. – Presentation to stakeholders

1 p.m. – Audit Start (tentatively planned to meet at the Village DPW)

2:30/3 p.m. – Working Group Sessions at Village Hall

4:30/5 p.m. – Wrap Up