Albion PD, Sheriff’s Department invite community to Coffee with Cops on Dec. 11

Posted 23 November 2021 at 3:42 pm

Press Release, Albion Police Benevolent Association

ALBION – On behalf of the Village of Albion Police Department and the Village of Albion Police Benevolent Association, I would like to invite members of the community to Coffee with Cops.

On Saturday, December 11, from 1 to 4 p.m. members of the Village of Albion Police Department, along with members of the Orleans County Sheriff’s Department will be hosting Coffee with Cops at The Coffee Joint at 59 North Main St.

So come join us for coffee and baked goods. All expenses are paid by the Village of Albion Police Benevolent Association. If you have questions, concerns, or requests, feel free to stop in and address them with our officers. Or if you just want to come hang out in a relaxed setting and chat, please don’t hesitate to stop by.

Let’s all take a break from the constant stress of daily life, relax and get to know each other.

We look forward to see you all there.

Thank you,

Daniel Baase, President of Albion Police Benevolent Association