Albion named best community for music education for 15th straight year

Photo by Tom Rivers: Jeffrey Brown played Lord Farquaad, shown here with the Duloc Dancers, in the March 31 and April 1 production of Shrek by Albion High School. The district each year does two musicals in the middle school and two in the high school.

Posted 13 April 2022 at 11:43 am

Press Release, Albion Central School

ALBION – For the 15th consecutive year, the National Foundation of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation has named Albion Central School District as a Best Community for Music Education.

While 738 districts around the country received the recognition this year, few have maintained Albion’s continued success. Albion was the only school in the county to earn the award in 2022 and one of just four in the Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, Wyoming (GLOW) region, joining LeRoy, Pembroke and Perry school districts. Lockport and Roy-Hart are the only districts from Niagara County honored this year.

The award program recognizes outstanding efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, students and community leaders who have made music education part of a well-rounded education.

Albion’s music department returned to normalcy this school year, bringing live music back after Covid-19 precautions lifted. High school students in both band and chorus performed in the annual Veteran’s Day concert in early November before select seniors performed during the long-held event, Senior Tea.

November also saw the return to live shows as the high school cast and crew of Totally Not a Musical took the stage followed by the middle school’s performance of No Dogs Allowed.

Music set the holiday mood as each school held its own festive holiday concert throughout December. Many Albion students traveled to the All-County Music Festival held at Holley in February before Albion was honored to host the second All-County Festival at the beginning of March. All ages joined in song for the all-district chorus concert, also in early March.

The auditorium was packed full for the spring musicals. Alice in Wonderland, performed by the middle school, was a huge success while Shrek the Musical, presented by the high school, impressed attendees of all ages.

The district’s music departments continued to connect directly to the community, too. Many current and former students and staff performed at the annual Albion High School Alumni Foundation Holiday Concert. High school band and chorus students brought their talents to the town as they took part in holiday caroling the day before winter break, another long-standing tradition.

Music will remain throughout the school year with spring chorus and band concerts and marching band performances coming soon. Community members are always encouraged to attend.

Founded in 2006, the NAMM Foundation advances active participation in music making across the lifespan by supporting scientific research, philanthropic giving and public service programs. The organization represents the generosity and philanthropy of the music products industry and is funded through trade association activities and donations. For more information, visit