Albion middle schoolers will add welcome message to canal mural

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 20 June 2023 at 2:55 pm

Photo by Tom Rivers

ALBION – Albion middle school students this fall are planning to paint “Welcome to Albion” in large letters above the canal mural on the back of the fire hall on Platt Street.

The Village Board gave the OK to the project. Students will also freshen up the mural that was originally painted in 1998. It was the Girl Scout Gold Award project for Corinne Toenniessen, who received some help in the design from Terri Wood.

Kamie Feder, the Middle School art teacher, presented the plan to the board last week. Jay Pahura, superintendent for the Albion Department of Public Works, said he would get a scissor lift for the students and Feder to work on the project. The DPW also will have the area blocked off to traffic while the project is worked on.

Feder led a group of students last June in painting a mural of flowers on the back of the former bathroom building at Bullard Park. That structure is now used for storage since new bathrooms were added to Bullard about two years ago.