Mayoral candidate says he is committed to seeing Albion prosper

Posted 23 February 2022 at 7:39 am


I feel that it is important to outline some of the goals I would like to accomplish if I am elected Mayor of Albion on March 15, 2022.

I intend to make all Village operations and finances as transparent as possible. Community members should be able to look at the Village budget and understand where their money is spent. The Village website should clearly and concisely explain how your tax dollars are allocated. If more specific information is needed, the tools to retrieve that information should be provided there as well.

The Village website will be a resource with not only fiscal information, but as a way to showcase all our Village has to offer. All aspects of Village operations will be easily accessible and easy to understand. This includes the budget, upcoming community events and being used as a resource for a new potential business.

I support the Police. Public safety is the most important responsibility of the government.. The result of the misguided efforts of those not supporting law enforcement is chaos. Effective and accountable law enforcement has been a hallmark of our Village and I will continue to support our Police Department. Defunding the Police is not an option.

If elected, I will not take a salary from the community. I believe if people work together and put the public good before anything else, we can make our Village a better place for ourselves and our children. Albion has all the ingredients needed to make a vibrant community. We need a long-term vision and perseverance, and that’s what I will bring to the table. My plans for the Village are proactive and positive.

I have visited the various departments in the Village of Albion, and have spoken with the Department Heads. These are hard-working individuals with a wealth of knowledge. Working in the private sector has exposed me to other ways of approaching a problem. I think that offering more effective options to the departments will improve the results. While it is important to be fiscally responsible, there are certainly areas where there needs to be investment.

My family and I have invested in Albion. It is an important commitment. I believe the Mayor and the Board need to lead and promote our community revitalization. I understand what it takes to build a business, and work is what it will take to make Albion a thriving community. That leadership has to be Village wide with both the business community and the residential neighborhoods being addressed.

I, like many others, care deeply about our community. I intend to spend the rest of my life here. That is the reason I am stepping up to serve the community and help the Village prosper. I have prepared myself for this responsibility by attending Board Meetings for months and getting the perspective of a variety of stakeholders in the community. I will continue to listen, this is our Village.

Please consider voting for me on March 15, 2022. I am on the ballot on the Republican and the Better Together/Albion Strong lines. I am here to serve everyone and would appreciate your support.

Thank you

Angel Javier Jr.
