Albion kicks off summer parks program
Photos by Tom Rivers
ALBION – Preston Flugel, one of the summer park supervisors for the Village of Albion, pushes a kid in a swing this afternoon at Veteran’s Park at the corner of Linwood Avenue and Brown Street.
Today was opening day of the village’s summer parks program, which is free to children in the Albion school district. The program will have paid park supervisors on duty from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday, until July 26.
Kaitlyn Van Skiver manages to push two young children in the kiddie swings at the park today. There were 40 kids for opening day, which is a big turnout for the first day.
The program includes recreational games and activities. There are arts and crafts, water games, obstacle courses, bowling trips at Oak Orchard Lanes and many other activities.
Kiara Smith offers some pointers to Evan Kirby, 7, in a game of badminton.
The summer parks program is usually based at Bullard Park, but that site on Route 31 is under construction with a new splash pad, amphitheater, bathrooms and other improvements.
The parks program also holds several weekly camps, including next week when there will be wrestling for grades 6-12 at the Albion High School gym from 10 to 11:30 a.m. and volleyball for grades 6-12 at Albion HS gym from 10 a.m. to noon.
Caitlynn Snook was busy pushing kids in swings.
The volleyball camp is led by the High School volleyball coaching staff. Students will learn the basics of volleyball along with skills, drills, match situations, scrimmages and matches. There is no pre-registration and no additional fees required.
The wresting camp is led by Andrew Grillo, a Holley-Kendall wrestling coach, a state wrestling champion and former Brockport State College wrestler. Grillo will be joined at the camp by instructors who are college wrestlers and former high school standouts.
Students will be able to drill techniques, wrestle live and conclude each day with wrestling related games. Inexperienced wrestlers will have an opportunity learn the basics skills in wrestling while the experienced wrestler will expand on what they already know.
There is no pre-registration or no additional costs.